Teach better.


Why partner with us?

The next generation of sailors is looking for content and online courses that fit their lifestyle and complement their practical training.

Together, we can provide the best for customers, a seamless route to their desired outcome. We handle the heavy lifting online, working with you at every stage to ensure your customers have a joined-up experience.

It’s a two-way relationship, giving customers choice and flexibility on their adventures.

Join our growing network of partners so we can provide the complete training package together.


A partner is for life, not just for Christmas.

We’ll make sure your customers love us so they love you.

Why risk your brand?

They are your customers; we’d be privileged to be their custodians for part of their learning.

Our role is to ensure they are prepared for the next stage of their journey, with you.

Free content. For you & your customers.

Easy onboarding for your customers.

Free resources, including our Sailing Essentials course, provide an easy way to onboard customers with online learning. Any subsequent upgrades to paid courses earn referral fees.

It’s a great way to re-invigorate a customer database. Providing a ‘why not’ option by removing any barriers.


Everything we’ve done is different. Better.




We weren’t interested in building enough to pass the RYA inspection for recognition; we wanted to build the best.

Oh, and we didn’t decide what was best; we had students test everything.

Everything is fully animated—to scale—so students can relate it to what they are doing.

Try one of our unique step-by-step guides; you can make it full-screen, too.

Interactive. Taken to a whole new level.

Integrated navigation, taught throughout.

We teach navigation–not traditional & electronic separately. Everything is taught together, the way it should be.

Try our AIS & ENC Symbol Simulator, just one of many, including all GNSS navigation tools.

Engaging. Keeping students moving forward.

Not just engaging content.

We motivate students to reach the next step using badges, awards, insignia and notifications.

Gentle words of congratulations and encouragement make their journey feel rewarding.

We made online personal.

Face-to-face debriefings.

One of our differentiators is face-to-face debriefings, a crucial missing part online compared to the classroom.

Apart from student benefits, it provides an opportunity to hand back to referring partners and ensure they continue their journey with you.


What’s in it for me?

Free use of our digital assets.

We would love you to send us all your customers, but online isn’t for everyone.

All our digital assets are available to support your classroom courses at no charge; use them as you see fit.

No risk to you, so why not?

We’re not looking for exclusivity; you’re not tied in or obliged to promote what we offer.

We believe in giving customers choices. They like what we do and how we do it, great, if not hard feelings!

We offer a fair slice of the pie.

We pay generous commissions for customers passed our way.

Our role is to ensure they are prepared for the next stage of their journey, with you.

For details of our commission structure, start the application process.

Already registered?


Got questions? We’ve got answers.

None! You can sign up for our partnership without obligation to promote our courses (much as we’d like you to!)

You’ll still get access to our free partner resources, such as downloads and videos you can use for your own instruction.

Each paid course enrollment qualifies for commission. The amount varies depending on the course.*

You choose what you do with the commission. You can pass it on to your customers or club members as a discount, keep it yourself or a combination of the two.

For example, you could sell a combined theory & practical course and use some of the commission to offer a ‘discounted rate’ or ‘value-for-money’ offer.

* Sign up to see the commission rates we pay.

Of course! We wouldn’t ask you to recommend something you weren’t 100% happy with.

Anyone can sign up for a 48-hour trial, and if you are qualified to the level or higher than the course, you can have permanent access.

If you don’t already hold the qualification (or higher), we offer deeply discounted rates for our partners. This includes anyone linked with your organisation.

Absolutely! Full transparency of all traffic and referrals.

The partner dashboard gives you access to all the activity of your referrals. You’ll see how many people have landed on the site and who’s converted into paying customers.

One of our future developments is providing access to see any referred students’ course progress.

We process our partner payments for the previous month on the 1st day of the next. Any referred customer earnings are included 14 days after receipt of cleared funds. This allows for the 14-day online purchase cooling-off period when they can return the course pack and request a refund or any chargebacks that may occur.

We operate a first-come-first-served policy. If you send us a potential customer using any of our tracking tools, you will retain them for 365 days.

Once they sign up (by purchasing or otherwise), they will belong to you for life.

We’ve made it as flexible as possible. You can use various techniques and provided tools which make it easy.

Unique URL

All partners have a dedicated URL and code that can be used for tracking traffic. You can build unique URLs in the partner dashboard, allowing you to direct traffic to any part of the website.

Your unique URL is constructed like this: https://www.mysailingcourse.com/partners/xxxx

Traffic arriving at this URL will land on our home page and be recorded as coming from you.

You can also send people to specific URLs on our website by adding the partner suffix and your unique code, for example, https://www.mysailingcourse.com/courses/day-skipper-theory/partner/xxxx

You can customise the unique code in your dashboard; for example, you could change it to your organisation’s name. https://www.mysailingcourse.com/partner/trainingcentrename

Domain Tracking

As an organisation, we also track anyone coming from your domain, regardless of any tracking codes. You can register up to three domains, and any links from that source will be registered as belonging to you.